How I Learned to Relax About Being a “Cozy” Author and Just Write the Damn Books–Part III

I personally love cozy mysteries, and think there are both good and bad cozies, just like in any genre of books. What do you think? Are you a fan, or is there a reason you prefer not to read them?

The Wickeds

Barb here, sitting on her front porch in Maine and writing on an flawless summer day

Back in February, I started a series of posts about how I came to terms with being a cozy writer. The first one talked about why this designation was an issue for me in the first place. The second, in March, was about how I came to be comfortable as a person with an identity as a cozy author.

Then life intervened. In April-May-June I was hit successively with Crime Bake website deadline-knee crisis-book deadline. But, though as a person I have many, many flaws, I am, at the end of the day (and usually literally at the end of the day), a completer. So herewith is Part III.

So when we left our intrepid heroine, she was happy to be writing a cozy series and comfortable adopting the image of a cozy author…

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7 thoughts on “How I Learned to Relax About Being a “Cozy” Author and Just Write the Damn Books–Part III

  1. I love all mysteries, including cozies. Thrillers are fun but I just don’t want to read those all the time. It’s nice to have a fun cozy to escape with. I especially love a cozy series, with familiar characters that feel like family.

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  2. Hey there, Erika! Just wanted to drop by and thank you for following my blog. 🙂 I’ve returned the favor via Twitter!

    Who doesn’t love a good mystery? Cozies and thrillers both have their places, I think, and it’s nice to be able to read something that is slightly more tame when you feel like it, and then something that’ll have you on the edge of your seat when you’re in the mood for that, too.

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  3. “What do you think? Are you a fan, or is there a reason you prefer not to read them?”

    I think a lot of things, but in regards to the matter of cozy mysteries I enjoyed and agreed with Barbara Ross’ blog posts. I don’t think cozy mysteries get the same level of respect that other genres, and sub-genres, of mysteries get, and that’s a shame.

    That said, if the naysayers are looking for renown, for works that have had a national or even worldwide influence, are there very many people who haven’t heard of Agatha Christie?

    I’m a lifelong fan of mysteries of many sorts. I’m a lifelong fan of cozy mysteries.

    More than that, I’m a cozy mystery author.

    I like a genre where I most always feel good at the end of the story. I like that I don’t get creeped out if I’m home alone reading a cozy at night. I like that it isn’t so breakneck paced that I feel exhausted by the time I’m done.

    I like having books to read that are – cozy.

    I enjoy writing them too. 😉

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    1. Agatha Christie is always the first thing I think of when someone asks why I read cozy mysteries! I agree, I like to read a book that can make me smile when I’m finished. I really enjoy mysteries, and cozies usually give me a chance to read one I know won’t give me nightmares or shock me with graphic language or violence. (Not that I don’t enjoy more thrilling mysteries too! 🙂 )

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      1. I enjoy other styles too and will sometimes go through streaks where I hardly read any cozies but read Kathy Reichs or Mary Anna Evans and others who write police procedural and forensic types of mysteries. And sometimes well written (not pulp) true crime accounts. But I always come back to my comfy cozies. 🙂

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